sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2015

letras de outrora, retratos de uma construção humana...

Today I can feel something inside me, but it is not something simple, 
is something beautiful, is a bit of magic that makes me smile, 
it makes me feel life, is a rainbow that colors my life!
I think I found something new, something I have never met in my life, but it is something strong that lives inside of me, 
and makes me believe in the future, that makes me believe in life, and that makes me believe that dreams come true .
I found out what life is, and I say thank you from the heart, from the heart, where my life is born, and from there runs through all my veins, and I can feel the life in me.
So thank you, for doing shine my way, and my smile, the real smile.
That smile that comes from the heart, and comes from the soul.
thank you

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